In 1991, 95届的艾莉森·费尔斯通·罗比塔耶是障碍赛上冉冉升起的马术明星也是福克斯克罗夫特学院的学生. 特殊能力计划的创建是为了让她在冬季参加佛罗里达州的严格训练和顶级表演,同时平衡她的学术责任. Alison was extraordinarily successful, 16岁时参加了她的第一次大奖赛,毕业前参加了国际跳远比赛. 从那以后,她一直是障碍赛的明星,并被选入 Foxcroft’s Sports Hall of Fame in 2015.
从艾莉森开始,舞者,音乐家,滑冰运动员,攀岩运动员,马球运动员,甚至 doula-in-training have used the EP Program to achieve great things.
——泰迪·S. ‘19
— Wilhelmina M. ’23
“As a showjumper and member of the EP program, I spend three to four months away from school each year. 我现在已经离开学校一个月了,在我长期不在不同学校的这些年里, I have never felt more loved and looked after than I do at Foxcroft.”
今年冬季是福克斯克罗夫特马术项目为骑手们提供住在惠灵顿的机会的第九年, FL, 参加冬季马术节(WEF). Since the first week of January, 在福克斯克罗夫特马术项目工作人员的指导下,五位骑手已经实现了他们在全国最具竞争力的场地之一展示的目标. The students have been learning a great deal in the saddle, mastering horsemanship skills in the barn, and gaining practical life skills such as grocery shopping, 烹饪, and managing their academic and tutoring schedules.
福克斯克罗夫特的特殊熟练度(EP)项目创建于20世纪90年代中期,当时95岁的障碍赛新星艾莉森·费尔斯通·罗比塔耶(Alison Firestone Robitaille)在佛罗里达度过了一个冬天,进行训练和比赛. 从那时起, 这个独特的项目通常与学院的优秀车手联系在一起, but it isn’t just for equestrian athletes. 今年有23名才华横溢、雄心勃勃的学生参加了这个项目. Read more about some of their accomplishments below.
去年秋天,由于新冠肺炎的预防措施,他们在校外休息了一年之后,迎来了许多新骑手, the Foxcroft 骑 Program was very excited to get the Winter Equestrian Festival (WEF) 该项目今年再次启动并运行,少数车手在冬季利用这种密集的训练和比赛经验.
第二学期伊始,惠灵顿将迎来一年一度的冬季马术节(WEF), FL, attracting several Foxcroft riders who, as part of the School's Exceptional Proficiency program, spend weeks at a time away from school competing. One of those students is Wilhelmina M. ’23, who has spent the majority of this winter in Florida. In between showjumping, meeting with tutors, and completing her academic coursework, Wilhelmina还通过参加伟大的慈善挑战以及在JustWorld国际和vinos骑行中心做志愿者来服务.
在福克斯克罗夫特马术项目的第八年带骑手去惠灵顿, FL, 参加冬季马术节(WEF)的比赛, it is still just as exciting as it was the inaugural year in 2014. 虽然学校的特殊能力(EP)计划创建了一个结构,帮助车手与校园保持联系,并在佛罗里达州与导师一起工作时保持他们的学术地位, 管家和训练员确保骑手和他们的马为长达六周的比赛做好准备, from January through March, at one of the most competitive venues in the country.
An all-girls boarding and day school in Northern Virginia, 福克斯克罗夫特为9-12年级的年轻女性在大学和生活中取得成功做好准备. Our outstanding academic program offers challenging courses, including Advanced Placement classes and an innovative 阀杆 program. Our premiere equestrian program is nationally recognized, and our athletic teams have won conference and state championships. Experience the best in girls' boarding schools: visit Foxcroft.